Unknown Girls

"I don't know who you are. If you're willing to find me, I will photograph you." This sense of uncertainty in photography is exactly what SekoSpear attempts in his photographic series "Unknown Girls." To attract subjects, he extends invitations to girls through the online publication of his works. If they are intrigued, they can reach out to him. This process fills the photographer with endless curiosity. There is no clear communication between him and the subjects before the shoot; time, place, and theme are largely decided by chance. "Some of them I have never met; they found me through my public account and arranged a time and place for the shoot. Compared to planned and pre-conceived sessions, I prefer 'laying eggs on the spot,' an impromptu rock-and-roll performance." "Unknown Girls" is an experiment in uncertainty, a diverse and interactive visual experience. It focuses not only on the girls themselves but also on the relationship between the girls, the photographer, and the environment. It is a caring exploration of the construction language, occurrence state, and site environment of contemporary portrait events.

“我不知道你是誰,你願意來找我,我就拍你。”這種未知的拍攝正是SekoSpear的攝影創作「Unknown Girls」中所做的嘗試。 為了吸引拍攝對象的到來,他以作品的發佈在網絡上向女孩發出邀請,她們看到作品,如果感興趣就可以去找他。 這令攝影師充滿無限好奇。 他與對象拍攝前沒有明確溝通,時間、地點、主題對他而言基本處於被動。 “我們間有的從未曾見面,她通過公眾號找到我,約了時間地點進行拍攝。相比於“先前構思”式的有計劃的拍攝,我更傾向於“現場下蛋”,一種即興的搖滾現場。” 「Unknown Girls」是一種未知的行為,一種現場的多元互動影像實驗,它的關注點不僅是女孩本身,而且是一種女孩與我和環境的關係,一種充滿關懷地探索當下寫真事件的建構語言、發生狀態和場地環境。

PhotoRoses‘ Artwork

Unknown Girls

SekoSpear 謝劍小波 XJXB「Unknown Girls」“隨欲而生”系列攝影集 Photography Artwork
2017-2023, SekoSpear x Bo Gallery, Hangzhou, China

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Zhongyuan Garden
Hangzhou, China